Saturday, March 3, 2012

Book Worm

So, I've been bitten by the book worm again! It'll start with 1 book and then once I've finished that book, I'll start searching for another, and another, etc. I have several books at home, but I've either read them already, or aren't in the mindset to read them at the moment. Speaking of books, I have a bone to pick with Hollywood and book publishers...

It seems (and this is only my observation) that when Hollywood decides to turn a book into a movie, people want to run out and read the book. That's fine, but what I don't understand is when this happens, why is the only copy of the book that seems to be available to read is the movie companion (ya know, the copy with the movie poster on the cover)? It seems that the original copies magically disappear from Barnes and Noble bookshelves to make way for the movie version which isn't always the accurate story. I had to search for a few years before finding the original book for Nicholas Sparks' "The Notebook" and usually have to order the real story online from because they seem to have the original story. I observed this yet again when I was at BN earlier and walked past the table with all "The Hunger Games" books on it. I saw the movie companion, but no original book. I can understand when they're out of copies, but when you walk past other books (The Help, The Lucky One, etc) and notice a bunch of books like that, it strikes me as odd. I would just like to say to Hollywood and the publishing companies that if you could possibly e-mail me and tell me what books will be turned into movies in the coming months so I have the chance to buy the original book, I'd be ever so grateful, LoL.

Now, onto what I'm currently reading and what I will be reading hopefully soon...

CANNOT CANNOT wait to read this one!

Love the movie!

Started reading in 2010 and hope to get back to it

Up Next, book 7 of the Drake Sisters Series by Christine Feehan

Hoping to read before seeing the movie

Book 2 of the Dark Hunter Series

Loved the movie!

Currently reading (book 6 of the Drake Sister's Series by Christine Feehan)

Started reading the book, hoping to finish before seeing the movie

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